We, the SLC Lunatics, are cultivating marvelous, connective, idiosyncratic events, & experiences, for the curious, artistic, and adventure-seeking people of Salt Lake City.
To attend our private & immersive experiences, become a member by clicking the link below & please join us on social media. (Facebook, Instagram)
Below you can see all of the wonderful times we’ve already had.
Past Events & Experiences
Sunset Exotica | Movie Monsters in Paradise
An Immersive Design Experience to “Die” For -> Buy Tickets Now Buy Tickets Now
Storytellers Canvas – Where Art Meets Imagination Under the Moon
7 Minutes of Connection Get Tickets Join us for an enchanting evening of stories to hear and, if the muse strikes, to tell! Share Your Story If you feel inspired, take the stage on our sailship of dreams and express yourself through any medium: poetry, dance, music, a written narrative, or even a unique personal experience. You have 7 minutes to captivate. Sign up here using a desktop computer or the Google Sheets app. If access is an issue, contact us and we’ll happily add you to the list. Theme: If you need one reach out to us, but we’ll
The Tenth Muse – 04/13/2024
A Metamorphic Odyssey Brace yourselves for an immersive odyssey steeped in the timeless allure of Greek mythology, as we embark on an adventure that surpasses conventional thought! ⚡️ Step into a realm where the Greek Pantheon comes alive, where deities walk among mortals, & fantastical creatures roam freely! Amidst this Divine revelry, one figure stands out as the epitome of Elysian inspiration – Sappho, the enigmatic poetess, hailed as the 10th muse. You’ll feel her presence woven throughout the fabric of the evening; her verses lingering in the air like a whispered incantation. ✨ As SLC Lunatics, we pride ourselves
The SLC Agora – A Pop-Up Market – 04/13/2024
A Taste of Ancient Greece in Salt Lake City Introducing the ‘SLC Agora’ 🧿 A Pop-Up Market happening in downtown SLC @ Clubhouse on South Temple! Did you know that the concept of the agora dates back to Ancient Greece? The word ‘agora’ itself comes from the Greek work áyopá; which was originally referred to as a gathering place or an assembly. It was much more than a market
Magic Happens In The Dark – April 4th & 5th
A One Man Confessional He hails from the South, was reborn under the California sun, & has deeply dabbled with magic & theater his entire life. 💫 Will Coile offers a refreshing take as an illusionist that proves magic can still be cool! He’s a classically trained artist who has spent tens of thousands of hours engaging with interactive audiences. Will’s atypical approach, paired with charming, raw authenticity, results in a performance that is not only personal & relatable, but absolutely unforgettable! ✨ Recently, he’s traveled the country with a sold out tour, performing his one-man magician’s confessional ‘Magic Happens
The Salt Souk – A Benefit Market – 01/20/2024
~ The Salt Souk ~ The SLC Lunatics & Clubhouse on South Temple are joining forces to make an impact by hosting a benefit market in support of Palestine. This collaborative effort is driven by a shared commitment to humanitarian aid & a call for ceasefire. 100% of the market proceeds will be donated to relief aid in Gaza, where it is desperately needed. Please join us in support, at The Salt Souk. 🪔 Souks, vibrant & bustling markets, are an integral part of the cultural fabric of many societies around the world. Historically, they have served as centers of trade,
1001 Secrets of the Desert Moon – January 19th AND 20th, 2024
Return of The 4th Wish! 💥 Back by popular demand!💥 We invite you to join us for a double-feature celebration like no other! The illustrious Scheherazade summons you to come experience a taste of Peristan with the return of our beloved ‘4th Wish’ – 1001 Secrets of the Desert Moon! For not only one, but TWO exclusive nights, you’ll be welcomed into a realm of timeless folklore as immersive characters from the pages of 1001 Nights come to life right before your eyes! 🧞♂️ Our unique events are for the movers & shakers; the storytellers, artists, dreamers, musicians, poets, & alchemists.
Blade Runner | The Night Market – 06/13/2023
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? There is something beguiling about ‘the after-hours’… It’s an extraordinary moment when you discover a new treasure, find yourself in a different part of town, or meet a magical stranger under the stars of a Summer evening. We, the SLC Lunatics, will be curating these nocturnal markets (each with a different theme) on the *second Tuesday* of every month. The theme for June is Blade Runner! Encouraged Attire: Channel your inner cyberpunk & come dressed as your version of a Replicant &/or tap into some future-noir & cosplay as your favorite Blade Runner character! Musical